Past Events
The advent of generative AI has turbocharged the development of a myriad of commercial applications, and it has slowly started to permeate to scientific computing. In this talk we discussed how recasting the formulation of old and new problems within a probabilistic approach opens the door to…
Suppose A is a subset of the natural numbers with positive density. A classical result in additive combinatorics, Szemerédi’s theorem, states that for each positive integer k, A must have an arithmetic progression of nonzero common difference of length k.In this talk, we shall discuss various…
Quantum unique ergodicity (QUE) describes the equidistribution of the L2-mass of eigenfunctions of the Laplacian as their eigenvalues approach infinity. My focus lies on a specific variant known as holomorphic QUE, which concerns the distribution of the L2-mass of normalized…
In this talk, we shall discuss our recent work which shows that in the periodic homogenization of viscous HJ equations in any spatial dimension the effective Hamiltonian does not necessarily inherit the quasiconvexity property (in the momentum variables) of the original Hamiltonian. Moreover,…
Knot invariants are typically used to give a negative answer to the question of when two embeddings are ambiently isotopic, and rarely to give a positive answer. An exception is the celebrated result of Freedman and Quinn that if the complement of a 2-sphere embedded in the 4-sphere has…
I will talk about how critical multiplicative chaos in probability theory is connected to and leads to recent breakthroughs in probabilistic number theory, in particular, the study of random multiplicative functions and character sums. No background in number theory is assumed.
Dimitroglou-Rizell-Golovko constructs a family of Legendrians in prequantization bundles by taking lifts of monotone Lagrangians. These lifted Legendrians have a Morse-Bott family of Reeb chords. We construct a version of Legendrian Contact Homology(LCH) for Rizell-Golovko's lifted Legendrians…
We care about arithmetic invariants of polynomial equations / motives e.g. conductors or L-functions, which (conjecturally) are often automorphic and related to cycles on Shimura varieties. In this talk, I will focus on L-functions of Asai motives (e.g. Rankin-Selberg motives for GL_n x GL_n)…
Ramsey and Turán numbers are both central quantities in graph theory. Both maximize some quantity — the number of edges (Turán) or independence number (Ramsey) — over n-vertex graphs containing no copy of a fixed forbidden subgraph. In this talk, I'll tell you about a quantity that combines the…