Past Events
I will explain a certain topological construction of positive scalar curvature metrics with uniformly Euclidean ($L^\infty$) point singularities. This provides counterexamples to a conjecture of Schoen. It also shows that there are metrics with uniformly Euclidean point singularities which…
We will continue discussing the paper of Walsh, Local uniformity through larger scales.
Abstract: We overview classical results and open problems concerning minimal surfaces in Euclidian Space.
- Public Lecture
Computers are now better than humans at logical games and puzzles such as Sudoku, Chess, Go and so on. Mathematics can also be framed as a logical puzzle game. When will computers become better than humans at developing new mathematics and proving new theorems? Certainly this has not happened…
Quantum harmonic analysis on phase space uses representations of the Heisenberg group to define analogs of the Fourier transform and of convolutions for bounded operators, and where the Schatten classes of compact operators play the role of the Lebesgue spaces. We will briefly…
Abstract: I compute the knot Floer complex for the regular fiber of \Sigma(2,3,7), and I show that its Seifert genus and genus in a self homology cobordism agree. The key step in this result was providing upgrades to the surgery formula for knot lattice homotopy. Ozsv\'ath, Stipsicz, and…
Recently, there has been much progress in understanding stationary measures for colored (also called multi-species or multi-type) interacting particle systems. In this work, we present a unified approach to constructing stationary measures for several colored particle systems on the ring and the…
A recent article by Ben-Zvi, Sakellaridis, and Venkatesh proposes a framework for duality between automorphic periods and L-functions via a duality between Hamiltonian G- and G^-spaces, where G is a reductive group and G^ is its Langlands dual. In this talk, I will review some of this…
Computer theorem provers (which know the axioms of mathematics and can check proofs) have existed for decades, but it's only recently that they have been noticed by mainstream mathematicians. Modern work of Tao, Scholze and others has now been taught to Lean (one of these systems), and (…