Past Events
The double-suspension theorem of J.W. Cannon and R.D. Edwards states that the twofold suspension of any homology sphere is homeomorphic to the sphere two dimensions higher. The double suspension theorem implies the existence of many triangulations of spheres of dimension at least 5 which do not…
Hyperbolic reflection groups appear in various fields of mathematics such as algebraic geometry, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, geometric group theory, geometric topology, and number theory. Cofinite and cocompact hyperbolic reflection groups have the following feature: their fundamental…
- Distinguished Lecture
Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry are two closely related subjects with many important interactions that have spurred major progress in both areas. In this talk we will highlight some of these connections with an emphasis on recent progress, future directions, and open questions.
We will discuss a paper of Tao and Teräväinen.
A longstanding challenge in data science is to effectively quantify systems of interest by integrating information from heterogeneous datasets, a problem known as multiview learning. In this talk, I will present recent advancements in this direction, focusing on novel algorithms based on…
Despite the small scales involved, the compressible Euler equations seem to be a good model even in the presence of shocks. Introducing viscosity is one way to resolve some of these small scale effects. In this talk, we examine the vanishing viscosity limit near the formation of a generic shock…
In this talk, based on a joint work with Erman Cineli and Basak Gurel, we discuss the multiplicity problem for prime closed orbits of dynamically convex Reeb flows on the boundary of a star-shaped domain. The first of our two main results asserts that such a flow has at least n prime closed Reeb…
Branching Brownian motion (BBM) is a classical probabilistic model that has "log-correlated" behavior. Its limiting extremal process has been derived to be that of a randomly shifted clustered Poisson point process with an exponential intensity (Aidekon-Berestycki-Brunet-Shi; Arguin-Bovier-…
The ellipsoid embedding function generalizes symplectic ball packing problems. For a symplectic manifold, this function determines the minimum scaling factor required for a standard ellipsoid with a given eccentricity to embed symplectically into the manifold. If the function has infinitely many…