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Job Openings

Academic Positions


Tenured or Tenure-Track Professor

CA and TA Positions

The Math department sometimes hires CAs and TAs from outside the department. We typically hire CAs and TAs for the entire academic year in the prior summer, but sometimes positions open up during the academic year. If you are interested in being hired as a CA or TA, please fill out this form and we will reach out to you if a position becomes available. 

Homework Grading Positions

The Math department hires homework graders in Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters (not Summer quarter). To be eligible to grade for a course you must have taken the course at Stanford and received a grade of A- or better (or have equivalent AP credit for calculus courses) as well as have taken at least one Math Department course at Stanford. If you are interested in being hired as a grader, please fill out this form which will put you on our list of those interested in being a grader. We will reach out the next quarter when we are hiring graders.