Upcoming Events
Given a smoothly bounded domain in three dimensions, we may consider the curl operator acting on divergence free vector fields tangent to the domain's boundary. It turns out that one only needs to impose a finite-dimensional set of additional boundary conditions to obtain a self-adjoint operator…
Abstract: We will discuss cancellation of the Liouville function in almost all short intervals, and the Fourier uniformity conjecture.
up through the definable Chow theorem
Entire critical points of the abelian Higgs functional are known to blow down to generalized minimal submanifolds (of codimension 2). In this talk we prove an Allard type large-scale regularity result for the zero set of solutions. In the "multiplicity one" regime, we show the uniqueness of blow…
This will be the third Student Analysis talk on kinetic theory, the seminar theme for the first half of Autumn 2024. Detailed abstract to come.
We shall explain how to generalize theorems of Polya and Andre in both a qualitative and (more importantly) quantitative way. As a consequence of our methods, we prove new irrationality results, including various products of logarithms as well as the Dirichlet L-value L(2,chi_{-3}). This is (…
Biran and Cornea showed that Lagrangian cobordisms satisfying suitable geometric constraints give rise to algebraic decompositions in the derived Fukaya category DFuk(M) of a symplectic manifold M. They asked whether any such decomposition in DFuk(M) comes from a Lagrangian cobordism in this way…
Abstract: Satellite operators are a well-trodden subject in Heegaard Floer theory. There are a number of algorithms to compute the effect of satellite operations on knot Floer homology. Most of these go via the bordered theory of Lipshtiz, Ozsvath and Thurston. There are some very helpful…