Undergrad Resources
Peer Advisors
Current Mathematics Majors are here to help answer any questions you may have about the department, different programs, or research. Check out the Peer Advisors page for this quarter's peer advisor contact information and office hours.
On Campus Resources
The Stanford University Mathematical Organization (SUMO) is the by-students-for-students math club dedicated to promoting mathematics on the Stanford campus and elsewhere by hosting various events and providing tutoring resources. They host various events that are open to everyone: math majors and non-math majors, graduate and undergraduate.
SWIMM is a mentoring program that aims to reduce the gender gap in mathematics. Undergraduates interested in math and computational science are paired with graduate student mentors from math, statistics, and ICME. SWIMM also hosts events, including study halls, dinners, and talks.
During the summer, the department offers the Stanford Undergraduate Research Institute in Mathematics (SURIM) where students can work on a research project either one-on-one with a faculty member or in a group mentored by a graduate student.
Please visit the SURIM site for information on the application, program dates, eligibility, and funding information.
Directed Reading Program (DRP)
Students interested in independent reading with a graduate student mentor may wish to participate in the Directed Reading Program.
The Directed Reading Program is a program of Stanford's Graduate Mathematics Outreach Organization in which undergraduate students (of any major) interested in independently reading some mathematics outside of their official coursework are paired for a quarter with math graduate students for weekly guidance and discussions. At the end of the quarter, participants gather for a colloquium in which each participant gives a short talk about their reading. The program began in winter quarter 2017.
Per instructor and departmental approval, students also enroll in Math 199 do reading courses with faculty members, which requires approaching individual professors directly.
External Organizations
American Mathematical Society (AMS): Offers many resources on their student page, including information about math programs, graduate school, research, careers, and more.
Stanford Career Education: Stanford Career Education (CareerEd) provides online and in-person career planning resources including job/internship searches (for both academic and non-academic searches), resume, cover letter and CV writing, interviewing and job talk preparation, self-assessment, networking, and more.
Mathematical Association of America (MAA): Offers many resources on their Professional Development & resources Page and their Community Event page, including math meeting, research careers, links to other organizations, and more.