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Math Major

Core Requirements

57 units of Math courses are required, and must be taken for a letter grade. This unit number is reduced by the number of 200-level graduate Math courses.

Within the 57 units, the following must be met. Single-variable calculus credit can be counted toward the requirement.

At least 8 Math Courses above Math 63CM/63DM

  • If a student has 10 units of single-variable calculus credit and has taken 3 courses among the Math 50 and/or Math 60CM/DM series (at most 15 of the multi-variable calculus units can count towards the major), this leaves a remaining of 8 Math Department courses above Math 63CM/DM. 
  • Note: For students whose Math course experience at the 100-level or in Math 56 straddles the transition to 4 units from 3 units (which occurred over Summer 2022), the figure of 57 will be further reduced by the number of 100-level courses below the 190’s taken prior to Autumn 2022.
  • Math 56 may count towards the 8 courses.

Out-of-Department Courses that count as Math Department Courses

  • Certain courses outside of the department can count as Math Department courses. These are: 
    • Stats 116 (no longer offered)
    • Stats 118 or 200 (at most one, but not both and neither if Stats 116 is being used)
    • Phil 151
    • Phil 152
  • No other courses outside the Math Department can count in this way. There are no exceptions to this for any reason. (Stats 117 is a pre-approved elective, see list below.)

Other Math Courses

  • Courses that CAN be counted toward the requirement include:
    • Math Q courses (IntroSems) 
  • Courses that CANNOT be counted include: 
    • Math 193
    • Math 193X
    • Math 198 
  • Courses taken during participation in the Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) may be able to count toward the math major requirements (pre-approval required). Please see this page for more information.

Additional Requirements for the 57 Units

  • If a student is planning on using a cross-listed course towards the major or minor that is not the Math cross-listing, contact the Student Services Officer with the course name. 
  • At least 32 units, reduced by the number of 200-level graduate Math courses, must be taken at Stanford.
  • Only Math 50/60CM/60DM series and first-year single-variable calculus can be double counted toward any other major or minor.
  • All Math Major students are required to complete a capstone project. See the Capstone page for more information.


Four elective courses are required. This goes beyond the 57 core units discussed above.

The following rules govern the elective course choice:

  • Math Department courses numbered Math 101 and above can be used as electives except for Math 193, Math 197, and Math 198.
  • Students can choose from any of the approved out-of-department courses as their electives. A list of such courses is given below.
  • Math 193X and Math 199 may only be counted as electives, not as the core Math courses.
  • One of these elective courses may be taken as CR/NC. (Note: The letter grade policy does not apply for courses taken in Spring 2020 and the 2020-2021 academic year due to COVID-19. Please see the official requirements.)
Pre-Approved Electives

The courses in the table below are automatically approved to count as elective courses for the major.

  • This list is not exclusive. If other courses are high enough in math content, they are likely to be approved.
  • Primarily only undergraduate courses are included here, but many graduate courses may also be used.
  • Please contact mathstudentservices [at] (mathstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu) well in advance of graduation (ideally by the fall quarter of your senior year) if you have questions about the usability of courses not on this list. 



Astronautics & Aeronautics:

100*, 218

*If taken in 2023-2024 or earlier.

Biology141, 165, 188
Chemistry:151, 153, 171, 173, 175
Computer Science:103, 109, 129, 148, 154, 157, 161, 166, 168, 205L, 221, 224N 228, 229, 229T/M, 230, 233, 234, 235, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 259Q, 261, 265, 267, 268, 269Q, 354, 355
Data Sciences:108
Economics:50, 51, 52, 102A/B/C, 103, 111, 136, 137, 140, 160, 162, 167G 180, 181, 182, 202, 203, 204, 284
Electrical Engineering:263, 274, 276, 364A, 364B, 387
Engineering:14, 15, 60, 62
Earth Systems Science:246A
Management Science & Engineering:111, 112, 121, 135, 145, 211, 220, 226, 232H, 245A, 245B, 310
Music:320, 423, 424

150/250, 151*, 152*, 154/254, 162

*PHIL 151 & PHIL 152: Each may count towards either the 57 core Math units or as an elective course, but not both.



14N, 41*, 43*, 45, 61*, 70, 71 (formerly 63), 81 (formerly 65), 100, 104, 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 120, 121, 130, 131, 134, 160, 161, 170, 171, 172, 210-269, 330. 

*At most one elective toward the major can be taken not for a letter grade.

Physics AP credit does not count toward the elective requirement. 

Political Science:356A, 356B

110, 116*, 117, 118*, 141, 160, 191, 200*, 203, 205, 206, 207, 213, 217, 218, 229, 231, 240, 270, 271, 305A, 315B, 318

*STATS 116 (no longer offered), STATS 118 or 200 (at most one, but not both, and neither if STATS 116 is being used): Count as Math courses. May count towards either the 57 math units or as an elective course, but not both.

Petition for an out of department elective

A course that uses a lot of numbers or basic algebra doesn’t necessarily qualify as an elective for the Math major. There must be a certain level of Math that is used throughout the course (e.g., at least Math 21 or above) that is demonstrated by course material such as exams, or a course website. For example, a Computer Science course that's primary focus is on coding, or a natural science course that is primarily focused on lab experiments does not qualify. See the table of pre-approved elective courses for a sense of this.

If you would like to petition for a class to count as an elective, please be prepared to provide either course material (such as exams or problem sets with solutions) or a course website which gives a clear indication about the level of Math used throughout the course. 

Submit a petition

Writing in the Major (WIM)

WIM (Writing in the Major) is a University requirement for the major and must be taken for a letter grade at Stanford (transfer credit is not allowed). Students may choose one course:

  • Math 101
  • Math 109
  • Math 110
  • Math 120
  • Math 171

WIM Guidance

Grading Policy

Students may take 1 course CR/NC towards the elective requirements.

Note: The CR/NC policy from the 2020-21 academic year does not extend beyond Summer 2021. From Autumn 2021 onwards all courses towards the Math major must be taken for a letter grade.

Resources and Additional Information


  • Math Major Checklist
  • Please send questions to mathstudentservices [at] (mathstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu)

More Information on Requirements