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Wednesday, May 3, 2023 12:00 PM
Alex Wein (UC Davis)

The task of finding a planted clique in the random graph G(n,1/2) is perhaps the canonical example of a statistical-computational gap: for some clique sizes, the task is statistically possible but believed to be computationally hard. Really, there are multiple well-studied tasks related to the planted clique model: detection, recovery, and refutation. While these are equally difficult in the case of planted clique, this need not be true in general. In the related planted coloring model, I will discuss the computational complexity of these three tasks and the interplay among them. Our computational hardness results are based on the low-degree polynomial model of computation.

By taking the complement of the graph, the planted coloring model is analogous to the planted clique model but with many planted cliques. Here our conclusion is that adding more cliques makes the detection problem easier but not the recovery problem.

Based on joint work with Pravesh Kothari, Santosh Vempala, and Jeff Xu, available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.00252