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Analysis & PDE

Analysis and PDE are a major strength of Stanford’s Department of Mathematics, with strong connections to geometry and applied mathematics (since PDE describe fundamental aspects of these fields). 

The fields of interest represented among the senior faculty include elliptic and parabolic PDE, especially in connection with Riemannian geometry; propagation phenomena such as waves and scattering theory, including Lorentzian geometry; microlocal analysis, which gives a phase space approach to PDE; geometric measure theory; and stochastic PDE and wave propagation in random media as well as PDE of applied mathematics.


Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
  (650) 497-3652
  390 Serra Mall, Sequoia Hall 108
Postdoctoral Scholar
  Building 380, 383-A
Visiting Professor
  Building 380, 384-X
  (650) 723-2209
  Building 380, 382-Z
Professor of Mathematics, Cassius Lamb Professor in Natural Sciences
  (650) 723-1894
  Building 380, 383-R
Szegö Assistant Professor
  Building 380, 384-V
Robert Grimmett Professor of Mathematics
  (650) 723-2081
  Building 380, 383-V
Visiting Fulbright Scholar
  Building 380, 384-M
  (650) 721-2113
  Building 380, 382-U
  (650) 725-0854
  Building 380, 382-G
  (650) 723-3224
  Building 380, 382-G
Robert Grimmett Professor in Mathematics
  (650) 723-2226
  Building 380, 383-M
Robert Grimmett Professor of Mathematics
  (650) 723-0952
  Building 380, 383-EE