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Ciprian Manolescu

Building 380, 383-X
Research Area(s)

Manolescu comes to Stanford from UCLA where he had been a professor since 2008.  He earned both his undergraduate and doctorate at Harvard University, under the direction of Peter Kronheimer.

The 2019 E.H. Moore Research Article Prize was awarded to Manolescu for his paper that resolves the Triangulation Conjecture (published in the Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 29, No. 1). Of his many other honors, Manolescu was an invited speaker at 2018 ICM in Rio de Janeiro, elected as a member of the 2017 class of Fellows of the American Mathematical Society, and awarded in 2012 one of the ten prizes of the European Mathematical Society.  He received the Clay Research Fellowship in 2004.

Professor Manolescu’s research interests include gauge theory, low-dimensional topology, and symplectic geometry. He has worked on the Sieberg-Witten equations, Heegaard Floer theory and Khovanov homology.

Professor Manolescu will be teaching Math 193 (Polya Problem Solving Seminar) and advising students who are participating in the 2019 Putnam Mathematics Competition.