Upcoming Events
I shall discuss first-passage percolation on Cayley graphs of Gromov hyperbolic groups under mild conditions on the passage time distribution. Appealing to deep geometric and topological facts about hyperbolic groups and their boundaries, several questions become more tractable in this set-up…
Abstract: Using a long-standing conjecture from combinatorial group theory, we explore, from multiple perspectives, the challenges of finding rare instances carrying disproportionately high rewards. Based on lessons learned in the context defined by the Andrews-Curtis conjecture, we propose…
We will follow Lecture 10 of Mazza–Voevodsky–Weibel's Lecture notes on motivic cohomology.
We discuss recent improved bounds for Szemerédi’s Theorem. The talk will seek to provide a gentle introduction to what is meant by higher order Fourier analysis, motivate the statement of the inverse theorem for the Gowers norm and discuss the high level strategy underlying the proof. Based on…