Upcoming Events
The simulation of all-atom molecular dynamics is limited in both length and time scales. The same difficulty applies to simulating the unitary dynamics of large, closed quantum systems. Therefore, we turn to modeling coarse-grained molecular dynamics and open quantum dynamics, using approximate…
The study of the distribution of Heegner points and closed geodesics is an important and rich subject, at the confluence of arithmetic, geometry and dynamics. In this work, we use techniques from all these areas to study the distribution of automorphic periods associated to closed geodesics on…
We will continue our discussion of recent work of Guth and Maynard on large values of Dirichlet polynomials.
We will follow Lecture 7 of Mazza–Voevodsky–Weibel's Lecture notes on motivic cohomology.
Since Szemeredi's Theorem and Furstenberg's proof thereof using ergodic theory, dynamical methods have been used to show the existence of numerous patterns in sets of positive upper density. These tools have led to uncovering new patterns that occur in any sufficiently large set of integers, but…
A continuation of our study of optimal transport (specific topic to be determined).
Abstract: The Khovanov skein lasagna module S(X;L) is a smooth invariant of a 4-manifold X with link L in its boundary. In this talk I will outline the construction of Khovanov skein lasagna modules, as well as new computations and applications including the …
We consider conditional McKean-Vlasov processes that arise in the study of hydrodynamic limits of interacting diffusions on random regular graphs. We establish an H-theorem that characterizes the long-time behavior of these processes. Specifically, we show that a certain function related to the…
In this talk we will introduce the ANTEDB, an ongoing project that aims to collect and systematize relationships between certain results in analytic number theory, such as exponential sum bounds, zero density estimates and large value theorems. Such results sometimes depend on each other…