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SU(3) Instanton Homology for Webs

Tomasz Mrowka (MIT)
Tue, Feb 4 2025, 4:00pm
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Abstract: Instanton Floer homology is usually studied for SU(2) or SO(3) but admits generalization to other compact Lie groups. It also admits generalizations to linksand even trivalent graphs (webs) in three manifolds decorated with certain homogenous spacesof the Lie group.   Some these version appear to be related to Khovanov-Rozansky homology. The SO(3) version for webs in the 3-sphere has an intriguing connection to the 4-color map theorem. I will review some of these stories and explain in particular some recent progress on understanding the SU(3) version.  This is joint work will Peter Kronheimer.