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Stationary measures of colored interacting particle systems from Yang-Baxter equation

Matthew Nicoletti (UC Berkeley)
Mon, Oct 28 2024, 4:00pm
Sequoia 200
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Recently, there has been much progress in understanding stationary measures for colored (also called multi-species or multi-type) interacting particle systems. In this work, we present a unified approach to constructing stationary measures for several colored particle systems on the ring and the line, including (1) the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (mASEP); (2) the q-deformed Totally Asymmetric Zero Range Process (TAZRP) also known as the q-Boson particle system; (3) the q-deformed Pushing Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (q-PushTASEP). Our method is based on integrable stochastic vertex models and the Yang–Baxter equation. We express the stationary measures as partition functions of new "queue vertex models" on the cylinder. The stationarity property is a direct consequence of the Yang–Baxter equation.

This is joint work with A. Aggarwal and L. Petrov.