Event Type
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 5:00 PM
Ben Brubaker

Seminar Website

We review several uses of color in the literature of solvable lattice models and track their connections to quantum group modules and to various applications to representation theory and symmetric function theory. My introduction to colored models came through Borodin and Wheeler's work (now a "classical" result, owing to the pace of the field: see arXiv:1808.01866). Inspired by these, with my collaborators and students, we sought other uses of color in the representation theory of metaplectic groups, in Schubert calculus, etc. We will sort out the seemingly confusing sources and applications of color from the above results, paying special attention to the paper arXiv:2007.04310 (with Frechette, Hardt, Tibor, and Weber) on Grothendieck polynomials whose "version 3" was recently revised and generalized in September 2021.

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