Stanford University

Past Events

Friday, February 3, 2023
12:00 PM
Hernan Iriarte (UT Austin)

We start by presenting new tools and results suitable for
the study of valuations of higher rank on function fields of algebraic
varieties. This will be based on a study of higher rank quasi-monomial
valuations taking values in the lexicographically ordered group R^k.
This gives…

Friday, February 3, 2023
11:30 AM
Romain Jacques Higham Speciel
Bergman Lecture
Thursday, February 2, 2023
4:30 PM
Building 380, Room 380X
Charles Epstein, Flatiron Institute

In this lecture, we present a new method to solve the scattering problem defined by two planar, rectangular, semi-infinite open wave guides that meet along a common perpendicular line. We use the method of fundamental solutions to reduce the scattering problem to a system of Fredholm integral…

Thursday, February 2, 2023
3:00 PM
Max Wenqiang Xu (Stanford)

In joint work with Kannan Soundararajan, we consider the behavior of random multiplicative functions when summed over subsets of the integers in [1, N], and give several examples of sets where such sums satisfy a central limit theorem. In contrast, as we know from…

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
3:15 PM
Alice Chang (Princeton)

Given a manifold (Mn;[h]), when is it the boundary of a conformally compact Einstein manifold (X^{n+1}; g+) with r^2g+ |_M = h for some defining function r on X^{n+1}? This problem of finding ”conformal filling in” is motivated by problems in the AdS/CFT correspondence in quantum gravity (…

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
3:00 PM
Ben Church (Stanford)


Wednesday, February 1, 2023
1:30 PM
Amita Malik (Penn State)

In this talk, we discuss the asymptotic behavior of the number of partitions into a fixed subset of positive integers. The main focus of the talk will be when this subset consists of primes concerning a Chebotarev condition. In special cases, this reduces to partitions into primes in arithmetic…

Wednesday, February 1, 2023
12:00 PM
Chrysoula Tsogka (UC Merced)

We will present a quantitative signal subspace imaging method. This imaging method is a generalization of MUSIC that uses both the noise and signal subspaces of the data. The noise subspace provides high spatial resolution while the signal subspace provides quantitative information about the…

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
4:00 PM
Georgios Moschidis (EPFL)

Abstract: In the presence of confinement, the Einstein field equations are expected to exhibit turbulent dynamics. One way to introduce confinement to the equations is by imposing a negative value for the cosmological constant and study the evolution of solutions with Anti-de Sitter asymptotics…

Tuesday, January 31, 2023
4:00 PM
Jesse Cohen

Bordered Floer homology is a suite of smooth invariants which associates to each 3-manifold with (parametrized) boundary a collection of modules of various types. In its simplest incarnation, the object CFD(Y) associated to a manifold Y with connected boundary can be thought of as a dg-module. A…