Stanford University

Past Events

Monday, March 2, 2020
4:00 PM
Math 383-N
Jo Nelson (Rice University)

I will discuss joint work with Hutchings which constructs nonequivariant anda family Floer equivariant version of contact homology. Both theories are generatedby two copies of each Reeb orbit over Z and capture interesting torsion information.We will…

Monday, March 2, 2020
4:00 PM
Sequoia Hall 200
Shirshendu Ganguly (UC Berkeley)


Monday, March 2, 2020
2:30 PM
Math 384-H
Rune Haugseng (NTNU and MSRI)

The AKSZ construction, as implemented by Pantev-To ̈en-Vaqui ́e-Vezzosi inthe context of derived algebraic geometry, gives a symplectic structure on the derived stackof maps from an oriented compact manifold to a symplectic derived stack. I will describe

Monday, March 2, 2020
2:30 PM
Math 383-N
Vishal Arul (MIT)
arul.pdf (72.76…
Monday, March 2, 2020
12:30 PM
Math 383-N
Dan Dore

The Fourier transform is a fundamental symmetry of functions on the real line, 

intertwining additive and multiplicative structures. It turns out that this symmetry

is not at all unique to R, and can be defined in the exact same way for functions 

on the p-adic…

Friday, February 28, 2020
4:00 PM
Math 383-N
Anand Patel (Oklahoma State)

When a projective variety is linearly projected onto a projective space of the same dimension, a ramification divisor appears. In joint work with Anand Deopurkar and Eduard Duryev, we study basic questions about the map which sends a projection to its ramification divisor. I will present proven…

Friday, February 28, 2020
2:30 PM
Math 383-N
Alex Smith (Harvard)

We prove that the two-primary subgroups of the class groups of imaginary quadratic fields have the distribution predicted by the Cohen-Lenstra-Gerth heuristic. In this talk, we will detail our method for proving the 8-class rank portion of this theorem and will compare our approach to one that…

Friday, February 28, 2020
2:00 PM
Math 384-H
Cole Graham

We'll ponder a few uncertainty principles, which prevent a function and its Fourier transform from being simultaneously localized. With some complex analytic sorcery, we'll prove a pleasant variant due to Beurling.

Friday, February 28, 2020
11:30 AM
Math 384-I
Umut Varolgunes
Thursday, February 27, 2020
4:30 PM
Math 380-W
Alex Smith (Harvard)

 A positive integer d is called a congruent number if there exists a right triangle with rational side lengths whose area is d.  After giving some…