Past Events
I will discuss some ways to think about a limit of a polynomial ring in n variables as n goes to infinity, and how this can be to study complexity problems in algebra and geometry. This is joint work with Steven Sam and Andrew Snowden.
We will discuss recent progress and resolution of a series of conjectures by Mazur, Rubin, Stein on the statistical behavior of modular symbols in order to understand the central values of twists of L-functions of elliptic curves. These values have been the object of extensive studies in…
The discovery of the Jones polynomial in the early 80's was the beginning of “quantum topology": the introduction of various invariants which, in one sense or another, arise from quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. There are many mathematical constructions…
The α-Lipschitz minorant of a function is the greatest α-Lipschitz function dominated pointwise by the function, should such a function exist. I will discuss this construction when the function is a sample path of a (2-sided) Lévy process. The contact set is the random set of times when the…