Northern California Symplectic Seminar
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Abstract: We will present some recent results on the existence of special structures on compactnon Kahler manifolds obtained as quotients of Cn ⋉ Cm. More in particular, we will focus on p-Kahler structures and on symplectic structures satisfying the hard Lefschetz condition. Bott-Chern and…
Abstract: I will discuss the asymptotic growth of autonomous Hamiltonian flows with respect to the Hofer metric. This includes a dichotomy on the two-sphere: the Hofer norm either grows linearly or remains bounded in time by a universal constant. I will also touch on some connections to dynamics…
In this talk, based on a joint work with Erman Cineli and Basak Gurel, we discuss the multiplicity problem for prime closed orbits of dynamically convex Reeb flows on the boundary of a star-shaped domain. The first of our two main results asserts that such a flow has at least n prime closed Reeb…
The ellipsoid embedding function generalizes symplectic ball packing problems. For a symplectic manifold, this function determines the minimum scaling factor required for a standard ellipsoid with a given eccentricity to embed symplectically into the manifold. If the function has infinitely many…
Given a smooth closed n-manifold M and a k-tuple of basepoints in M, we define a Morse-type A∞-algebra called the based multiloop A∞-algebra and show the equivalence with the higher-dimensional Heegaard Floer A∞-algebra of k disjoint cotangent fibers of T*M.
Symplectic cohomology is a fundamental invariant of a symplectic manifold M with contact type boundary that is defined in terms of dynamical information and counts of pseudoholomorphic genus zero curves, and carries algebraic structures that parallel the algebraic structures on the Hochschild (…
Abstract: Every Anosov flow on a closed oriented three-manifold gives rise to a four-dimensional
Liouville domain, whose Liouville homotopy class depends only on the homotopy class of the
Anosov flow. The goal of this talk is to explain this construction and discuss geometric…
Abstract: We define the K-theoretical virtual fundamental cycle of an almost complex global
Kuranishi atlas, as an element in the (analytic) orbifold K-homology of the base space of the
atlas, and verify that it defines the same K-theoretical Gromov-Witten invariants as in Abouzaid…
Abstract: Around 2000, Biran introduced the notion of polarization of a symplectic manifold, and showed that the associated Lagrangian skeleta exhibit remarkable rigidity properties. He proved in particular that their complements may have small Gromov width. In this…
Abstract: Consider a Liouville domain D embedded in a closed symplectic manifold M. To D one can associate two types of Floer theoretic invariants: intrinsic ones like the wrapped Fukaya category which depend on D only, and relative ones which involve both D and M. It is often the case…