Events Upcoming EventsSeminars Toggle Seminars Algebraic GeometryAnalysis & PDEApplied MathCombinatoricsDepartment ColloquiumFaculty Area Research (FARS)GeometryJoint Berkeley-Stanford Algebraic Number Theory SeminarNumber TheoryProbabilityRepresentation TheorySymplectic Geometry Toggle Symplectic Geometry Northern California Symplectic SeminarTopologyKiddie ColloquiumStudent Algebraic GeometryStudent AnalysisStudent Analytic Number TheoryStudent GeometryStudent ProbabilityStudent TopologyPast EventsRoom Reservations Toggle Room Reservations Scheduling an EventPublic Lecture Video Main content start Student Algebraic Geometry Seminar Localization Speaker Matt Larson Date Wed, May 29 2024, 3:00pm Location 384H We will continue the computation of Gromov-Witten invariants on the quintic 3-fold by using the Atiyah-Bott localization method.The main reference we will use is Chapter 9 of "Mirror Symmetry and Algebraic Geometry" by David Cox and Sheldon Katz.