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L-space satellite operators and knot Floer homology

Ian Zemke (University of Oregon)
Tue, Oct 22 2024, 4:00pm
red knot logo

Abstract: Satellite operators are a well-trodden subject in Heegaard Floer theory. There are a number of algorithms to compute the effect of satellite operations on knot Floer homology. Most of these go via the bordered theory of Lipshtiz, Ozsvath and Thurston. There are some very helpful reformulations of these algorithms in terms of immersed curve invariants of Hanselman, Rasmussen and Watson. In this talk we will give a different approach, using the link surgery theorem of Manolescu and Ozsvath. We will consider the family of satellite operators where the corresponding 2-component link is an L-space link. (This family includes all cabling patterns, the Whitehead pattern, as well as a family of generalized Mazur patterns). For such operators, we will describe how to compute the full knot Floer complex of the satellite knot in terms of the knot Floer complex of the original knot as well as the Alexander polynomials of the corresponding pattern link. A key algebraic result is a computation of the link Floer complex of 2-component L-space links in terms of their Alexander polynomials. This is joint work with Daren Chen and Hugo Zhou and the computation of 2-component L-space link complexes is related to earlier joint work with Maciej Borodzik and Beibei Liu.