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Effective dynamics of interacting classical, quantum, and wave systems

Joseph Kentaro Miller (Stanford)
Thu, Nov 21 2024, 4:00pm
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Interacting systems of particles and waves are foundational in many natural phenomena. This talk will outline mathematical approaches for deriving effective, statistical descriptions of such many-body dynamics by connecting them to solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. Key examples include the Boltzmann equation, which emerges as a limit of interacting hard spheres; the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, which describes quantum particle dynamics initialized near a Bose-Einstein condensate; the Vlasov equation, which is an effective model for both non-collisional particles evolving under Newtonian dynamics or as a semiclassical limit of fermionic interactions; and the kinetic wave equations, which model the behavior of interacting waves. I will discuss my joint work on each of these equations, highlighting how to frame these PDEs as limits of the underlying particle or wave dynamics.