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Event Type
Wednesday, April 10, 2024 12:00 PM
Christophe Gomez (Université Aix-Marseille)

This presentation first discusses the derivation of radiative transfer equations for acoustic waves propagating in a randomly fluctuating half-space in the weak-scattering regime, and the study of boundary effects through an asymptotic analysis of the Wigner transform of the wave solution. Two contributions to the total energy density are then identified: one similar to the energy density propagation in a full-space and one describing interference effects supported within one wavelength of the boundary. In the case of homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions, this boundary effect yields a doubling of the intensity, and in the case of homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions, a canceling of that intensity. In a second part of the presentation, these results will be extended to the case of a randomly-fluctuating slab (layer of material bounded by two parallel planes) and of a randomly-fluctuating box and highlight interference effects inside the propagation domain. This is a joint work with Régis Cottereau and Adel Messaoudi.