Event Series
Event Type
Friday, July 10, 2020 12:00 PM
John Christian Ottem (Univ. of Oslo)

I will explain how tropical degenerations and birational specialization techniques can be used in rationality problems. In particular, I will apply these techniques to study quartic fivefolds and complete intersections of a quadric and a cubic in P^6. This is joint work with Johannes Nicaise.

Register in advance for this meeting: stanford.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEvcOuprz8vHtbL2_TTgZzr-_UhGvnr1EGv

The discussion for John Ottem’s talk is taking place not in zoom-chat, but at tinyurl.com/2020-07-10-jco (and will be deleted after 3-7 days).

More seminar information: agstanford.com