Event Series
Event Type
Friday, February 19, 2021 12:00 PM
Izzet Coskun (UIC)

In this talk, I will discuss joint work with Eric Riedl on algebraic hyperbolicity and Lang-type loci. I will describe an improvement of G. Xu's genus bounds which allow us to prove the algebraic hyperbolicity of very general quintic surfaces. The same technique allows us to obtain the  classification of algebraically hyperbolic surfaces in certain toric threefolds. Finally, I will discuss Lang-type loci for algebraic hyperbolicity in very general hypersurfaces.  

The discussion for Izzet Coskun’s talk is taking place not in zoom-chat, but at  https://tinyurl.com/2021-02-19-ic  (and will be deleted after ~3-7 days).