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Math Course Flowchart

Course codeCourse namePrerequisiterecommended prerequisite
Math 18Foundations for Calculus  
Math 19CalculusMath 18 
Math 20CalculusMath 19 
Math 21CalculusMath 20 
Math 51Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Modern ApplicationsMath 21 
Math 52Integral Calculus of Several VariablesMath 51 
Math 53Differential Equations with Linear Algebra, Fourier Methods, and Modern ApplicationsMath 51 
Math 56Proofs and Modern Mathematics  
Math 61CMModern Mathematics: Continuous MethodsMath 21 
Math 61DMModern Mathematics: Discrete MethodsMath 21 
Math 62CMModern Mathematics: Continuous MethodsMath 61CM 
Math 62DMModern Mathematics: Discrete MethodsMath 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 63CMModern Mathematics: Continuous MethodsMath 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 63DMModern Mathematics: Discrete MethodsMath 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 75SILearn to Give a Math Talk  
Math 77QProbability and GamblingMath 51 
Math 87QMathematics of Knots, Braids, Links, and Tangles  
Math 101Math Discovery LabMath 51 or Math 61CM or Math 61DM 
Math 104Applied Matrix TheoryMath 51 
Math 106Functions of a Complex VariableMath 52 
Math 107Graph TheoryMath 51 + Math 56 
Math 108Introduction to Combinatorics and Its ApplicationsMath 51 
Math 109Groups and SymmetryMath 51 
Math 110Number Theory for CryptographyMath 51 
Math 113Linear Algebra and Matrix TheoryMath 51 
Math 115Functions of a Real VariableMath 51 or Math 56 
Math 116Complex AnalysisMath 52 + Math 171 
Math 117Advanced Complex AnalysisMath 116 
Math 118Mathematics of ComputationMath 53 
Math 120Groups and RingsMath 113 or (Math 51 + Math 56) 
Math 121Galois theoryMath 120Math 113
Math 122Modules and Group RepresentationsMath 120 + Math 113 
Math 131PPartial Differential EquationsMath 53 
Math 136Stochastic ProcessesMath 151Math 115
Math 137Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics(Math 53 + Math 147) or (Math 62CM + Math 63CM) 
Math 143Differential GeometryMath 52 
Math 144Introduction to Topology and GeometryMath 61CM or (Math 113 + Math 171) 
Math 145Algebraic GeometryMath 120 
Math 147Differential TopologyMath 144 
Math 148Algebraic TopologyMath 109 or Math 120 
Math 151Introduction to Probability TheoryMath 61CM or (Math 52 + Math 56) 
Math 152Elementary Theory of NumbersMath 51 + Math 56 
Math 154Algebraic Number TheoryMath 121 
Math 155Analytic Number TheoryMath 106 + Math 152 
Math 158Probability and Stochastic Differential Equations for ApplicationsMath 53 + Math 151 
Math 159Discrete Probabilistic MethodsMath 151 
Math 161Set TheoryMath 56 
Math 171Fundamental Concepts of AnalysisMath 61CM or Math 61DM or (Math 51 + Math 115) 
Math 172Lebesgue Integrations and Fourier AnalysisMath 171 
Math 173Theory of Partial Differential EquationsMath 171 
Math 175Elementary Functional AnalysisMath 115 or Math 171 
Math 193Polya Problem Solving Seminar